Chia- Raspberry Lover

Chia- Raspberry Lover

by beckybiel


1. Chiapudding (Chiaseeds + any kind of milk + maybe a bit of vanilla sugar)

2. Oats

3, (desiccated) Coconut

4. Raspberry - Nanacream (any kind of milk +banana +    frozen raspberries)

5. any kind of fruit topping


First you prepare your Chia - Pudding. Therefore you need chia seeds a bit of vanilla sugar and any kind of milk. Let your Chia pudding rest for a day to get the perfect consistency. Then add a small layer of oats on top as well as coconut.

Now it's time to prepare your Nana-cream! Get your smoothie maker ready, take a handfull or a bit more of frozen raspberries, add a quater of a banana. You can choose if you want to add milk or any kind of other milky kinda of drink. Blend it all and ready is your nanacream.

Just add the nanacream to your other layers and enjoy this taste explosion maybe as breakfast or maybe as a nice, healthy, delicious dessert! :)



you can find the products here:

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Hey there,

I'm Becky and I'm a professional Photographer since 2017, travelling the world for café/ restaurant, fashion and surfcamp shoots. I'm always up for the next adventure and love shooting professional surf, bike racing and some eco documentaries on the side. Whatever catches my spark of excitement I'm on it!

So if you're in need for some nice atmospheric photos for your webiste/instagram or any other online platform I'm just one message away.

I hope to hear from you soon!

